About Me

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Let’s skip a lot of boring stuff. I was born and raised in Tennessee. I joined the Military three years ago. I started this blog because I needed a place to talk about whatever I want mostly critiquing movies and games I have watched and played. I am happily married and have been for almost three years. I’m not that big on talking about myself I’m sure over time if anyone reads anything that I write they will come to feel like they know me. I’m very laid back so if you get a chance write me about anything you want reviewed. Email me or write on my facebook or myspace if not on here.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Saturday My Day of POKER

Ok, for those who don't know me personally let me inform you. I am a poker fanatic. If I were to skip a Saturday I don’t know what would happen. More than likely I would go through some type of unbelievable withdrawals. The game is no-limit Texas hold’em. So my pick of the day is the movie Rounders. Matt Damon’s character Mike must try his hardest to play off debts that his friend Worm (Edward Norton) has collected in order to clear both their names. Torn between becoming a law student and a hustler Mike has to make a choice to play it safe or go all in. I rate it 7.5 out of 10. This movie was clearly before it’s time and is a must see for any poker fan. Have a good day and may your cards be live..

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I'm going to do a contest for the best fansign For Lifeofthatguy. I'm taking a poll on the main page for what the prize should be. It's on the right side under the amazon.com stuff and above the currency converter. Send pics of signs to lifeofthatguy@hotmail.com THX and good luck

Busy Busy Bee

Today was stressful. After running around all day I still feel like I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I awoke running a little behind schedule so I quickly got up, dressed, and brushed my teeth, shaved, the whole nine yards. Walked downstairs and realized for the first time that I didn’t see my wife or daughter in the house while I was rushing around. I’m glad I realized it when I did because once I got to the parking lot and saw my car wasn’t there I would have flipped out. Now seeing I’m stuck at home it seemed like I was going to be late for my appointment. I walked back inside called up the workplace. ”THE WORKPLACE” Yes, it’s the place in my life where I work. Imagine that. It’s like my wife Erica is the wife piece. She is the piece of my life that is the wife. Got it? I don’t have time to show you all the pieces of the chart that is my life but you have your spot. You are the followers and if you ever where to see the chart I would have to kill you. If you didn’t I would then have to refill that spot in the chart and that is just too much work. Back to the story, the workplace sends yep-yep as I like to call him to come pick me up. Now we’re off to this appointment that I have been scheduled for. Once we arrive I quickly run in and realize that this appointment is not in this building. Again I’m searching for information. Run to my workplace find out the correct location and then go to it. I’m now fifteen minutes late as I come stumbling into this class. At least the teacher was nice enough to allow me to stay. Crisis is now averted. Another fifteen minutes go by and I realize that Yep-yep is still in the car waiting to see if this was the right place or not. I don’t know what happened to yep-yep but my guess is minjas (midget ninjas I guess he didn't have this book) came and took him away. At the end of this course I was asked to sign in that I attended the class and to my surprise my name isn’t even on the roster. So all this secret agent training for nothing. At least I now can kill someone with a toothpick, bring them back to life, interrogate them, and then kill them with the same toothpick. (True story) You’re very impressed I know. It’s a little hard to take all that killing power in at first but let it digest for a minute and come back to it. That was just the first three hours of my day and most interesting hope you all had a great day and remember IT’S PAYDAY!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


                                                                   This is my movie of the week especially for the price. $9.99 on blu-ray and 13.99 on DVD. This movie is based on the Earth being at its’ final stage of overpopulation and pollution due to war ect, and we the humans of Earth build a giant space ship that holds 60,000 people and all these test tubes with the D.N.A to every animal and plant from earth on it. So basically Titan AE on crack. The man character Bower is played by Ben Foster and Dennis Quaid plays Payton. These two wake up from their “hyper sleep” type deal and suffer from momentary amnesia. In the suspense and mystery of it all neither crew member can remember how long they have been asleep and they cannot remember how long they have been on board. As the mystery starts to unfold they realize they are not alone on their ship and are haunted by memories they do not understand. If that wasn’t their only problem they are being hunted like animals by creatures called Hunters. All of the paranoia eventually leads to the condition of pandorum or space paranoia. I give it 7 out of 10. But a must see / buy for the price.

gOd Of WaR 1, 2, & 3

For those who don’t know what this game is about you will play as the Spartan Warrior Kratos. Kartos makes a deal with the God of War Ares and his life takes a downward spiral. The death of his wife and child lead him on a path of destruction and the possible demise of the Gods. On the Playstation 3 one of the best hack and slash games of the year God of War 3. The first two were originally released on the PS2. From what I can tell the graphics have all been upgraded to meet the blu-ray expectations at 720p. Everything except for the in game movies, those are still the same. God of War 3 really upped the bar when they made this game. The graphics, characters, game play, combos, weapons, and story line are all great. If you’re looking for a game to last you weeks of playtime this is not it. I beat the game in two days, but it does have replay value. After you beat the game you will unlock a new outfit that will allow you to give 4x the amount of damage but the downside is you take 4x the amount of damage. I’m not going to ruin any of the other unlocks just trust me it is a great game. Hope you enjoy.

PoPiN' ThE ChErRy

Ok, so here we are. The first blog of many blogs to come I hope. I am honestly new to this and I haven't quite decided how I'm going to go about this. I think I will just write about what ever pops into my mind. I hope everyone has had a good day I know I have had an eventful day and it's now 10:12pm here in Japan. So I think I'll have a little night cap and write about a few things. I only have one follower at the moment but hopefully after tonight there will be more of you. I’m not sure if you have noticed but I advertise Amazon.com on my page. It’s the only site I ever buy things from online so if you do any shopping through amazon.com please help my rating out and go through my page to find what you are searching for. You can find the Amazon.com search engine at the top right of my blog page. Anyways, back to business. I hope to tell a few good stories and maybe turn you on to a movie, book, or mp3. Again, thank you and tell your friends. For those who have facebook or myspace add me. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100000566202245http://www.myspace.com/superman02031987